With the help of Maybe Baby™  you can influence the sex of the child to some extent!

If woman knows the day of ovulation, she can significantly increase the chance of conceiving a child of the desired sex. Boy, if the sexual intercourse is on the day of ovulation, or girl if the intercourse is 2-4 days before ovulation. Difference is the spermatozoa carrying the female gene swims slower and keeps vitality longer, while a spermatozoa carrying the male gene swims faster, but has shorter lifespan.

This method is called ‘Shettles method’, according to an American scientist Landrum B. Shettles who was a pioneer in the field of in vitro infertilization. His book ‘How to choose the sex of your baby’ was released in 1971 and so far has been sold in over a 1.5 million copies. Numerous studies have shown that this method has a high percentage of success, while author himself claims that the method has 75-90% success rate – assuming that the fertile days and ovulation day have been accurately determined.