Every woman should have a way to easily and accurately determine ovulation day and fertile/infertile days.


Young girls should learn as soon as possible about the changes occurring during the sexual maturation. It is not only the matter of sexual education: influence of menstruation and hormonal changes are important part of every woman’s life. The sooner the female understands it, it will be easier to accept it and  integrate it into her personality.


Women who are planing to conceive, or planing not to conceive, can not rely on fertility charts or measuring basal temperature. Those methods are not accurate or complete. On one hand every sixth couple has problems conceiving, while on the other hand the number of unplanned pregnancies, especially among adolescents, is constantly increasing. Accurate pinpointing fertile and infertile days is of essential use to couples who are trying to conceive – but it can be used as an auxiliary method for avoiding pregnancy as well.


In the case of medical problems with the female reproductive organs, determining the day of ovulation is of great benefit to every gynecologist, obstetrician and endocrinologist.


After giving birth, women need to determine when the first ovulation occurs. It is important to know that menstruation and ovulation after childbirth do not have to start simultaneously. It may be that you have your menstruation without ovulation in the cycle, but it can happen that you have ovulation first, and then the menstruation.


Women near menopause (which may indicate a disorder of the menstrual cycle) want to analyze changes in the cycle for preventive actions.


Maybe Baby™ practically has no alternative for determining ovulation day and fertile and infertile days.  It is simple to use, accurate and can be carried with you anywhere. If you use it according to instructions for use, you can use it forever!