Whether you are just thinking about trying for a baby, or are actively trying, gaining a better understanding about how your body works and what days of a woman’s cycle is best to try and conceive will be a big help.

Many couples simply do not have intercourse on the right days in the month. Determining ‘right’ days is the key to conceiving!


Ovulation, along with a few days before and after, is the period when your body can conceive. Ovulation is the release of mature egg cell, which occurs once a month

(to be more exact – once in a menstrual cycle).


However, you should know that ovulation day varies every month and it is hard to predict based on a menstrual calendar.


With regular use of  Maybe Baby™ you can monitor your cycle and easily determine fertile days and have better chance to get pregnant!


So, download our ‘Fertility Chart‘  and start tracking your daily results!


If your cycle is regular, you can use this table to roughly predict when ovulation will occur:

22 days 6th-10th day
24 days 8th-12th day
26 days 10th-14th day
28 days 12th-16th day
30 days 14th-18th day
36 days 20th-24th day
42 days 26th-30th day


For women with regular cycle, easy way to roughly determine ovulation day is to subtract 16 days from your complete cycle length and to monitor that day and following 4 days. Example for 28 days cycle: 28-16=12, meaning that your ovulation will roughly occur between 12th and 16th day.


When to have intercourse?

Spermatozoa has lifespan 3-5 days. If you had sexual intercourse up to 5 days prior to ovulation, spermatozoa is still capable of fertilizing egg cell. Unfertilized egg cell can survive up to 24 hours. Therefore, for the most of couples optimal time for conceiving suggests sexual intercourse within:

  • 3 to 5 days prior to ovulation
  • on ovulation day
  • 1 day after ovulation


Some of research indicate that you can to some extent influence the sex of the baby, depending have you had sexual intercourse before ovulation or on the ovulation day itself.

More about this subject you can read here.

What Is Ovulation?

Ovulation is when a mature egg is released from the ovary, pushed down the Fallopian tube, and is made available to be fertilized. Approximately every month an egg will mature within one of your ovaries. As it reaches maturity, the egg is released by the ovary where it enters the Fallopian tube to make its way towards waiting for sperm and the uterus. The lining of the uterus has thickened to prepare for the fertilized egg. If no conception occurs, the uterine lining, as well as blood, will be shed. The shedding of an unfertilized egg and the uterine wall is the time of menstruation.